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Old January 7th, 2012, 10:06 PM   #2
Newb..... on a steeek! :D
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Name: Mike
Location: Windermere, FL
Join Date: Feb 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2012 Harley Davidson XL883L Sportster Superlow

Posts: A lot.
You are not alone in this. My last girlfriend was back in the Army in like 2002 (what a mistake that one was). For the longest while it didn't bother me because partly it was my choice because I felt I wasn't in a stable enough life to be worrying about a relationship. But here I am at age 35, seeing that all my old classmates are married, divorced, have kids, etc. Yet here I am having never even been engaged.

Sometimes you look back and wonder if that makes a big time loser or something. You can't really answer it cause it's not really a question that has an easy answer. There are times I get extremely lonely and wish I had someone (especially like the someone I had back in the 90's that was a best friend and sometimes girlfriend).

Now I look around and wonder if it's too late, is anyone even possibly interested, where could I even start, and hundreds of other questions on either side of the relationship/no-relationship debate in my head. There are times I regret being alone and wish I could go back and change a couple of things in my life to maybe have at least had that chance.

I do however feel that we need someone to share life's journey with. Whether people wish to believe it or not, we are a social based creature. We thrive on human contact and the feelings of being loved and appreciated. We decline and die when we go for too long w/o any signs of affection or caring about us.
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