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Old April 9th, 2009, 07:05 AM   #49
Jane Honda member
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Name: Kris
Location: Willamette Valley
Join Date: Feb 2009

Motorcycle(s): 08 Ninja 250R

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I hope Chairman feels better soon!

Originally Posted by TrueFaith View Post
My first cat, Tick Tock, was the runt of the litter and I had to hand-feed her for weeks or she would have surely perished. I had her for 16 years and she was the best cat anyone could have. She once even got between me and a huge German Shepard trying to "protect" me when a friend brought the dog into the house unannounced. At 16 years old and starting to show her advanced years she developed a tumor on her hind leg. I took her to the vet every week for months for steroid shots that made her feel much better, but eventually they did no good. When it became obvious she was feeling pain I took her to the vet and he euthanized her while I held her in my arms, purring away the whole time. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do and I'm tearing up as I write this remembering what a great companion she was to me for so many years. I still have her collar and ID tag decades later and just can't seem to get rid of them.
I never wanted another cat after Tick Tock passed away, but when my mother died last year I adopted her cat Jet since the poor little guy had nowhere else to go. He cried the whole way to his new home and hid under the bed for weeks before he felt secure enough to explore his new surroundings. Now he acts like he owns the place and although he has a much different personality than my first cat (he's only 3 years old and a juvenile delinquent) we've already become a team.
I don't think you fully appreciate the effect that small creature has on your life until it's no longer a part of it. Hope you two have a lot more years left to enjoy each other's company.
And best wishes for a speedy recovery to the Chairman.
This made me so sad... I'm glad Jet has a buddy with you, that way you both can remember your mom.
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