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Old January 30th, 2012, 05:22 PM   #66
Mountain Dew
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Name: Jaymie
Location: Oahu, Hawaii
Join Date: Aug 2011

Motorcycle(s): 1974 Honda CB550K0 W.I.P.

Posts: A lot.
And to stay on-topic:

I'd recommend:
E36 328i convertible/coupe/touring. Stay away from 318 (or any BMW 3-series 1.x liters, and I'd recommend to start straying away from E30s, as they're getting up there in years and will start to have the common electrical/mechanical problems).

You can also start getting E38 (7-series) BMWs affordably. Lots of luxury and such. Just be wary of common electrical problems.

Any of the Volvo tri-digit models (740, 850, etc), and since you've already said you want something turbo, some of them are turbo.

If you just want a boring, reliable econobox, go ahead and get a Civic. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it until you start adding "performance" and ugly cosmetic crap.
Life's better on the Mountain.
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