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Old March 9th, 2012, 07:59 PM   #19
FrugalNinja250 certified postwhore
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Name: Frugal
Location: Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW)
Join Date: Mar 2010

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Get a used bike, one that's been pre-dropped and is cheap, even a pre-gen. Why? Because as a new rider you need to focus on learning how to ride in the real world more than anything else, anything else. Your chances of dropping the bike due to a simple mistake are virtually 100% in your first year, whether it be in the driveway or out on the road. By starting on something cheap and with no emotional investment in it looking perfect, you free your mind up to concentrate on the most important thing: Learning how to ride.

I've seen way to many new riders oh so proud about their first spanking new perfect bike, only to post a few months later about how they wrecked some way or another and watched a thousand or two dollars scatter across the pavement in broken plastic.

First year: Learn how to survive. Not look flashy and spiffy, not be oh so fashion perfect, not be way cool "look at me and my shiny new bike".

There are no shortcuts, you aren't the exception (very few people are the exception, that's why they're called "exceptions") and looking cool until your first drop is, well, pointless.
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