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Old March 11th, 2012, 07:56 AM   #15
Xoulrath sage
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Location: U.S.
Join Date: May 2010

Motorcycle(s): Current: '11 ZX-6R; Previous: '09 Ninjette; '08 ZX-6R (Ex-Wife '09 TU250X)

Posts: 981
Sure you can learn on a 600. The process will be much easier on a 250. I would also argue against being a "better" rider just because one starts on a 250 as opposed to the 600. I would say that the person who starts on the 250 will become a better rider faster, but at some point the rider on the 600, if they are serious about learning and are practicing, will catch up to the 250 rider, and may even surpass them.

I personally am glad I started on the 250. I made few mistakes, and the ones I did make had more to do with braking than throttle control. And even those mistakes were because of the lack of braking power and the extreme forward dive I experienced early on. It could be argued that because I did have a gentle touch with regards to the controls, that I may have been better served by the SS brakes.

Even so, the worst incident I had with regards to throttle had to do with a severe loss of traction while leaned over hitting a corner I knew well aggresively. My best guess is I lost traction thanks to a cooling evening in the summer, and several tar snakes on the road. I lifted throttle the slip was so bad, and the bike immediately stood up. Thankfully there were no other cars in the opposing lane, one of the reasons I decided to hit the corner as hard as I did. Had that been the SS, there is a good chance that would have turned into a highside.

Newer riders, it's your decision at the end of the day. Just remember that a 250 costs less to maintain, insure, and fuel up than that hot SS. It also costs less to purchase and it ends up being a blast to ride, just the same. I recently sold my 600 because I am finalizing a divorce and I needed the money to pay some bills. The next 600 I buy will be two to three years from now when I know I have the cash to make track days a reality. I am currently looking for inexpensive 250s to purchase for my street riding pleasure.
R.I.P EthioKnight (Alex)
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