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Old March 16th, 2012, 03:49 PM   #1
fyv0h member
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Name: Jesse
Location: Nash Co, NC
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Motorcycle(s): 2008 250r, of the blue variety (bestowed to Ninja_Duck22), 1998 CBR Smokin' Joe

Posts: 58
Bye Bye Rect-O-fier

Or something like that...

We had an issue a while back where the battery would die while riding. Never enough to kill the bike, but enough to not want to start back up. So we tested the 4 year old battery. It wasn't doing too well. We replaced it and went on our merry way. Fast forward a couple weeks and the battery is dead after a ride. I check voltage, it's reading 7v. I put it on the tender. I yank the fairings to test the Recto and the Alt, but I only got as far as the rectifier before I noticed that the connector that runs into the Recto has a fried wire. It's a yellow one. Positioned on the front right side of the connector. The connector is burnt through.

I'll order a rectifier, if for nothing more than peace of mind. But the questions are as follows: If this is an alternator wire, would the alternator be shot? And with the connector melted at this port (exposes adjacent ports slightly), what are my options for repair? I REALLY don't want to replace the harness.
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