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Old March 19th, 2012, 09:10 AM   #38
Whiskey certified postwhore
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Originally Posted by akshay11 View Post
To match the revs do you leave the throttle open, let the clutch out, and then let off it completely? Or do you just blip it to get the revs up and then let out the clutch quickly while the revs are up there?

When you downshift and let the clutch out with the throttle closed, it causes the bike to 'nosedive' as it slows right? Or is that a result of downshifting at too high a speed or something?
You'll have to find the sweet spot for downshifting, but blip the throttle so as you drop a gear you increase the revs to keep your speed even, don't just dump the clutch (it's asking to drop the bike) let it out smoothly then roll off the throttle to bring the speed down under control.

If you close the throttle & dump the clutch its like standing on the rear brake with all your weight, the back wheel wants to turn but cant so it'll slide. if you roll off the throttle in a controlled manner you can scrub speed without having to drop a gear at the same time.
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