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Old March 20th, 2012, 08:25 PM   #50
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Name: nickypoo
Location: Five Guys
Join Date: Jul 2011

Motorcycle(s): Track dedicated 2008 ZX6R

Posts: A lot.
MOTM - Jul '16
Also, I'm so touched that you guys care so much about me...I actually got let down several times today lol here's the story:

I wake up today, no school. I just say "I have to go to DDS Motorsports!"
So, I am super happy, pumped waiting to go! So, then, I find out, my dad has to get picked up from work early. My heart just sinks Then, I say, let's bring dad haha It didn't turn out well. My dad starts yelling how bikes are dangerous and that I can't have one, so I'm wasting my time going there.

We get there, I go inside, very sad. I walk around, convince my brother that he should start on the 250 (yes, he's getting a 250 before I am and he didn't even want to ride till yesterday !!! ). I go and sit on the KLX. PERFECT fit. It felt so nice. Like a glove...

I was so sad that I would never have any bike. I started thinking of ways that I could blow all my money. Then, my dad comes in. He walks over, looks at me, and says "that it?" (Except everything he said was in russian xD) and I'm like walks over, and starts spoon feeding my dad stupid stuff, like, it's a KLX140L, I'm like no sh*t sherlock lol I start telling my dad everything about the bike. Then he realizes I'm not joking about this either (apparently my parents don't take me seriously).

He says I won't be able to afford it. I'm like, yeah, I will! I work at McDonalds (sounds dumb but I make more then enough lol)!! So, he thinks I'm being stubborn, and decides to go get a calculation of how much it would cost to prove his point. Calculation comes back while I'm trying on helmets. Found the one I have above $300 dollars a month. Coming to a total of $7000 something. I was like, "There's no way you did that right!". I could get a 650 for that lol

So, depressed, sad, and feeling like crap, we leave. Then, some old comes running out, as we're stepping in our new car, ready to leave. Completely out of breath after running 30 feet (so sad and funny at same time lol). He says, she calculated it wrong. It's actually $70 lol I'm like, no way! I win! My dad was wrong xD !! So, we go inside, and he's impressed for some reason, has a change of heart, and we buy the bike! I have no pictures, because they rolled the bike away right as soon as the forms were done. Then someone random dude comes up in a GSXR-1000, and I say, nice bike. That's the 1000 right? He says no, it's the 600. I just say okay lol

I went home and checked, it was an one thousand. You know you shouldn't be riding when you don't even know what bike you're riding lmao!

Pictures come soon
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