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Old March 21st, 2012, 02:15 PM   #26
That rider dude.
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Name: Eric
Location: Orlando, Fl.
Join Date: Apr 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2011 White Ninja 250 SE.

Posts: A lot.
When I park, it often look around. If I see another bike parked up some where like next to the building, I'll park next to them as long as there are no signs saying "No Motorcycle Parking."

Most the walmarts or lowes here, let us park in those empty spots right next to their building (often on their "side walk"). At a local bowling ally they actually let us go up the sidewalk ramp, and park on the side walk right in front of their building.

If its not posted, and you're really not sure, park normal. They really can't do anything if you're parking in a designated parking spot. Even when there's motorcycle parking, parking lots are still acceptable. We have many designated motorcycle parking for bikes at my campus, but every now and then you see a bike parked in a regular spot, despite many openings.

When you do park in a regular spot, be smart about it. I often park my bike slanted (More bike to be able to see). Sometimes I'll park almost all the way side ways. I have as much right to park then as anyone else. I do not pull in all the way, in fact, I make sure I'm poking farther out then the cars next to me (within reason, of course). If I can't, then Im exactly at the edge of the spot, so cars notice me right away. Also if it's night, try parking close to the building, and under a lamp at best. Not in a very dark spot.

Really, if it has designated, then try there. If not, and you've never seen a bike parked next to the building or on the curb, exorcise caution and park in the lot. Perhaps ask security or management if you really want to know. Just park share.
Mods: flushmount Led front binkers, diode mod, pazzo levers, clear tank pad, racing replica grips, bike monkeys integrated tal light, zx-2r vinyls, rearsets, red bar ends, and more red accented stuff.
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