Thread: Cagers...smh
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Old March 23rd, 2012, 06:41 AM   #21
Daily Ninjette rider
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Originally Posted by alex.s View Post
i'm sorry, but you are completely wrong. nobody can see you. ever. they will look directly at you, then proceed to run you down like you murdered their children.
Alex is correct, you may have been very visible, but the proven fact is that most of the riders don't see you, or Alex, or me.

This guy was lying, in my opinion; he didn't see you until the last second and he did brake in panic.

It was the adrenaline rush what made him approach to you and make a story out of what really happened, maybe to try to be in peace with himself, who knows?

In reality, he was trying to tell you that he almost kill you a few seconds before, only that transferring the blame to you.

We may be visible, may have the right of way, the drivers may be idiots, etc.; but it is our duty to remain alert, defensive and alert.

Check this thread:

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