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Old April 21st, 2009, 04:16 PM   #1
So slow I'm first!
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Name: Sunny
Location: San Jose, CA
Join Date: Oct 2008

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Admin Appreciation

So I got flowers for Administrative Appreciation and then treated to lunch. Of course I could not resist taking pictures of my flowers...A few of my favorite pictures:

I liked how the stems were blury and the background part of the flower is sharp

so for lunch we headed over to the Peabody Institute. For more info on the Institute go here. In short though it is a music school owned by Johns Hopkins. My company handles the parking and housekeeping there. I had never been so we got a mini tour. It was really neat and my Boss is really knowledgable about it. We got to see the large concert hall (Didn't get any pictures). But we went on and saw this neat spiral staircase...

This is the home of the George Peabody Library. When they say library they mean it. My Boss says that people come to this library to trace their ancestory due to the fact that they have a good amount of Ships logs of who traveled on what ships. I think that would be pretty neat thing to look up one day. Anyway they also restore books here. So for a bibliofile like myself this was exquisit. I did maintain my glee and stayed out of the stacks but... it was very very difficult...

From the main entry to the back:

Yes folks that is 5 stories of books! Not only that there are rooms below (says the Boss) which means more books!

Rightside (facing the back) (the left looked the same to btw)

Back facing the entrance

Most of the lighting is provided by this massive skylight

It was simply awesome! More on the library here (including a professonal picture)

George Washington Monument (of Baltimore not to be confused with the tall pointy thing known as the Washington Monument)

Lunch wasn't all together exciting. A lot of chit chat, we ate at Middletown Yacht Club (right across the street from Peabody.) Had burgers and fries. Nothing to exciting.

Thanks for looking!
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