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Old April 21st, 2012, 09:02 PM   #1
Dragonracer76 member
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Name: Jason
Location: Cabot, AR
Join Date: Apr 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Ninja 250R

Posts: 209
Angry Damn deer almost did me in..

So I have been able to swerve, duck and dodge every retard, college student, and hick in a truck since I started riding a couple months ago. I was safe, bought good gear, and didn't speed. ...well only on long straightaways on the freeway a few times. But seriously did my best to avoid an accident mostly to not look like the noob that I am but also cause I love my ninjette and all of it's highrevving coolness. Long story made kinda short...

I was on my way home from school Wensday night and came up on a deer in the middle of the lane. She came from the left and stopped on the line. I slowed down and she started back to the left then turned last second at me. I swerved right and didn't have enough room so locked the back up to dump speed and tried to ride it out but ended up getting highsided. The bike flipped hard I went airborne and Slid/flipped down into the ditch, breaking my left arm, cutting my right knee up down to the patella in a few places and pulling a lot of muscles and possibly breaking my thumb. I'm seeing Ortho on Monday about pins being put in or a plate and screws. They set it twice but think they can do better. Unfortunately my bike who sadly never got named was slammed harder than Pamela Anderson at a Viagra convention and declared a total loss. Now I have to find a new mistress and wife said it's ok as long I don't ride at night any more. haha

2012-03-22 20.09.50_Jacksonville_Arkansas_US by dragonracer76, on Flickr
such a sexy beast..

and after...

{2d4ac97f-eda5-4415-97ee-aa9cba830ab8} by dragonracer76, on Flickr

{f078dfe5-781c-42d3-a741-39c4c2fdfc1f} by dragonracer76, on Flickr

{d3c242dc-2062-47fa-be70-bc9c854058d8} by dragonracer76, on Flickr
I only got to put about 3500 or so miles on it..

{7aa526f6-cb40-452f-b90a-9cb4e1ec7fa9} by dragonracer76, on Flickr
glad that wasn't my leg..

{93f7c526-1ce7-404d-becc-fe66faab1fcd} by dragonracer76, on Flickr

{81dc4ef1-8d34-4e58-9f42-343f51791ee6} by dragonracer76, on Flickr
my nice exhaust and smoked tails... my dad said it probably has a flatter tone now.

Last futzed with by Dragonracer76; April 21st, 2012 at 10:41 PM. Reason: add pics
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