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Old May 3rd, 2012, 01:41 PM   #8
Cat herder
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MOTM - Jul '18, Nov '16, Aug '14, May '13
Age does not matter. Ability does. Experience is certainly part of that, but age does not equate to experience or competence.

For that matter, neither does your background. The diploma on the wall means you graduated. It doesn't mean you're good at what you do. 50 percent of all doctors were in the lower half of their class. Einstein was a drop-out. So was Steve Jobs. The list goes on... Larry Ellison (Oracle), Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates.

I never took a single class that bears on my career. My education was completely unrelated to what I do at my job and I was a terrible student. Yet I've been making a good living doing the same thing for 29 years. Not because I've been doing it a long time, or because I went to a prestigious school. It's because I happen to be good enough at it to get paid.

We should be judged on our ability to perform and NOTHING else.
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