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Old May 8th, 2012, 08:42 PM   #8
Stingray1000 certified postwhore
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Name: Jon
Location: Newark, De
Join Date: Apr 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2003 Kawasaki Ninja 250R

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Originally Posted by choneofakind View Post
Re-take the MSF if it would help.

Take things slowly and really work on looking through your turns. Being respectful of your motorcycle is a good thing. Being afraid of it is not. Get out there and practice and get better, just be careful about it
He just took the course a couple of weeks ago.... AFTER the crash, anything he needed to learn I'm sure he already has.

Ok here's a story. Easter sunday I was riding to my girl's Aunt's house. I was on a stretch of highway that opened up on the right to some water. I was doing about 75 with no cars around me... the next thing I know a HUGE gust of wind hits me and the bike so hard it made the handlebars go left and right slightly.... I started to sweat but I kept control.. Assuming another one wouldn't possibly happen and it was probably me just not being in enough control.. so I tightened up..... Lowered down on the bike, kept the same speed and another one hit me just as hard.... And when I say hit me, the winds almost knocked the bike completely over TWICE, shook the handlebars as I was holding them. I got SOOOO scared. I started shaking.. I dropped the speed down to 50 mph and rode that way the rest of the ride.... 4 or 5 hours later when I went to ride it home I literally rode 45mph down the road because I was afraid to get hit by another gust. I felt like an idiot as cars and other bikes were passing me.... It rained for a bit after that so I didn't get a chance to ride for a while which was probably a good thing because every little gust that hit me on the way home scared the living **** out of me. Now I ride again and I kinda laugh at myself the way I was acting that night, but the morning wind was no joke. If I didn't have both hands on the grips I would've been pushed over easily or lost control somehow. You'll get over it bro. Just take it easy at first. give your MIND time to heal.
I live my life a quarter mile at a time!
Who is affraid of the big bad jiggles???? LOL
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