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Old June 12th, 2012, 06:12 PM   #192
dfox sage
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Join Date: May 2012

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Well, I tried it today. Just got tired of watching bikes and scooters ripping past traffic in the bicycle lane, and took to it myself, just for a short period of road to try it. There is a two lane plus bike lane road that goes to one lane bike lane and parking for about 1/4 mile, then back to two lanes just before a traffic light.

Got a few yells from angry drivers, but other than that, nothing too bad. I was behind a long line of bikes, so I was only going 5 to 10 at most. I put on my right turn signal, then "changed my mind" once the light turned green. Figured this would help if I got pulled. The guy at the front of the line slowed down to let me in, he had no issues with it.

It probably cut about 15 mins off my commute though. I won't continue doing it, unless it becomes legal, but just curious how many others illegally filter at traffic lights.
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