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Old June 22nd, 2012, 11:53 AM   #1
Daily Ninjette rider
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Name: Hernan
Location: Florida
Join Date: Mar 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2007 Ninja 250

Posts: A lot.
MOTY - 2016, MOTM - Dec '12, Jan '14, Jan '15, May '16
Good school for UK riders and good safety tips for the rest of us

"Perversely, the training you receive as a
newbie doesn’t teach you how to be a good
rider, and is often actively pointing you in the
wrong direction. So not only do you get the
ticket that says that you’re good to go, you’ve
been pushed out into the most challenging
riding environment with a worrying lack of
skills to start your biking career.

You might have heard of ‘IPSGA’, probably
the least catchy acronym ever choked out,
which stands for Information, Position, Speed,
Gear and Acceleration. It’s the five-stage
process used and taught by most advanced
riders, and if used correctly it gifts you the all
the raw materials to improve your skills and
riding almost immediately.

If you get the I and P wrong, the rest of the
process can become a panicked set of
reactions - that adrenaline rush scenario -
instead of a planned set of actions. If you still
can’t work out why your mate is so smooth,
and able to lose you at will on your Sunday
blast – the chances are that his balls aren’t
bigger, but his ability to process information,
and set his road position are better than yours.

Amazingly it really could be that simple.
The majority of this comes from your
recognition of one element – Positioning. If
you’re in the right place on the road, it enables
you to gather more information, after which
setting your speed, gear, and getting back on
the gas will almost automatically fall into
place over just a couple of practice rides."
.................................Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly
"Mankind is composed of two sorts of men — those who love and create, and those who hate and destroy. Love is the bond between men, the way to teach and the center of the world." - José Martí
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