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Old July 14th, 2012, 08:59 PM   #1931
I told you bro
Monkeytofu's Avatar
Name: Noor
Location: Austin, Texas
Join Date: Jun 2012

Motorcycle(s): 1996 Ninja 250r

Posts: 680
Originally Posted by 7oxSin View Post
did you do that yourself? or did a friend do it? or did a shop do it? if so what paint did u use? or how much did you pay for it to be done? and if you did it yourself how is it holding up and did u use a clear coat?
The previous owner of the bike was/is friends with someone who owned a paint shop. I think around the time he decided to move on to a bigger ninja he lent it to them to use as a display model for their paint shop. So he pretty much got the job done for free in exchange for them using his bike as a display item for however long they had it.

It used to be an all black ninja according to the original receipt the PO had from the person he bought it from.

They used a couple layers of clear coat, and I think the paint job is about 10 years old so it's held up pretty well. Most of the damage to the paint is a result of heat damage (very bottom on the left side) which can't be seen unless you lay down on the ground. I have a couple of scratches from when I was rearended, but nothing that can't be filled in with a clear coat pen. the clear coat has saved me so many times when it comes to spills and leaks and I'll only have to use a clear coat pen to fill in the clear coat scratches.

When insurance came to appraise it the appraiser said the average custom paint job costs around 1200 dollars. I'm assuming that's for something as complex as this is though.
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