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Old July 25th, 2012, 04:05 PM   #7
toua70 guru
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Name: Toua
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Motorcycle(s): Ninja 250 and Gsx-R 750 k8 (out of commission)

Posts: 482
Originally Posted by coolcatjames View Post
They took me to the 150 -> 33 route. It wasn't bad in the beginning. I fell on the 33, about 5-6 turns past the second tunnel.

And yea, points taken. Once i'm back, I'll fix up the bike and take it slower, hopefully work up the skills to not embarrass myself on a track, and then we'll see. I walked around the turn after I crashed, and it didn't seem that bad. Just a regular turn. I should've had it, but i dunno.

I wish my first crash was a lowside instead of a ride-into-a-mountain. Hours of watching rnickeymouse on youtube doesn't prepare you for the real thing.
You'll be okay Everyone crashes. I crashed my gsxr at over 100mph (being extremely stupid) and was very fortunate to walk away from it the same day. Paramedics came by, checked me out and said i was okay.. just scrapes. My gears really saved me that day plus I was younger and stupid. But like I said, live and learn. Always go your pace and not others.. don't ever try to keep up with experienced riders.. Also, Its a constant learning experience. I've been only riding 4-5 years and I still learn new things on a daily basis.
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