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Old August 2nd, 2012, 11:42 AM   #11
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Name: Akima
Location: England
Join Date: Jul 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2011 Ninja 250R FI

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MOTM - Oct '13
Sorry to hear about your crash. It seems that you and the bike came out of it ok though.

My first and only crash was really similar to yours. The shifter bent in exactly the same way.

As for not leaning over too far. I was thinking about this today. Lots and lots of people freak out and stand the bike upright mid turn because they feel they are going to fast. I have realized that it is pretty much always better to lean over further and take the turn instead of braking and standing the bike up. This is my thinking:
* Your bike can probably take the corner faster than you think.
* Standing the bike upright pretty much guarantees you're going to go off the road or perhaps even into on coming traffic
* Even if you do end up low siding instead of making the turn, you probably wont be any worse off than if you stood the bike upright and slammed on the brakes, but at least you have a chance at making the turn.
* If you do make the turn you'll feel amazing!
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