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Old August 2nd, 2012, 08:56 PM   #27
Rambling Madman
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Name: Scott
Location: Calgary, Canada
Join Date: Jul 2012

Motorcycle(s): R1 07

Posts: 232
Originally Posted by EthioKnight View Post
Not slowing down enough to yield for the turn is my biggest resulted in all that followed. What do you mean you have a "big long list"...I doubt you'll have more than three things to chew me on
The biggest one is your over driving your skill level. The only reason I being picky on this is that it's no fun attending funerals for this reason. I've now had to on a few occasions for the that reason, it's just no fun.

A lot of people aren't going to like the next tip, if your riding aggressive you have to watch your environment in every aspect ready to use whatever piece of asphalt that is free. My number one rule on a bike is that your always invisible, ride like it.

Now you may think I'm being unfair, but when I was younger I had to force myself to park my bike for a few years so I know how to be honest with myself (I spent most of my time on one wheel, and speed limits didn't mean much to me then).

I've spent a lot of time in hospitals and learned the hard way, I still play hard but I try do it in the safest manor possible these days but I never surpass my riding level.

I'm going to private msg you a few of videos of mine so you don't think I'm talking out my arse.
Pass on Hills and Corners
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