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Old August 3rd, 2012, 01:17 PM   #31
There's a limit to s2pdty
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Name: A.D.
Location: NoVa the burg
Join Date: Apr 2011

Motorcycle(s): 250r ninja (sold)

Posts: A lot.
I'm glad you learned your lesson, I'm happy that you did not have to suffer from the consequence that could have got you from riding that way. I'm pretty sure now that you've change how you ride.

Like I always say "we learn from our mistakes" or other people's mistakes. (We have to, specially if you're on a motorbike)

I've learned a couple of lessons too in my riding career, and a couple of them taught me to never ride more than 70% of my ability, heck even 50% sometimes so I can leave room for errors that may occur. and until now I know that I'm still learning stuff, like the other day I tried to beat the light on a 25mph street, I didn't speed or anything, but my concentration was on the stop light if I can beat it or not(I just woke up and, I was late for church) Instead of stopping like I normally do, I didn't. I crossed the light in time, and right there where I got my concentration back, I realized that there was a car on the opposite side who wants to make a left turn(And probably wants to beat the light too). We all know that one of the most dangerous place on the street, is the "intersection" where cagers don't normally see an on coming motorcyclist when they're gpnna turn left. I have to say I'm blessed, and that it reminded me that the street really is a dangerous place. So make sure to watch out for on coming cagers that wants to turn left. I usually do the "wobble" if I know I'm approaching one.

I also got this one. On a turn that you don't know, never go higher than 50% of your abilities cause it might just bite your ass. I know for sure that from crash statistics that the leading reason is when a motorcyclist enters a turn too fast and doesn't make it.

Yellow line that I've crossed
On coming car

I've never been to this turn before when I took it. I was coming from 15 going into sycolin rd, as you can see the road to sycolin decrease a lot, and it almost took me. I have to say I handled it calmly, I scraped my pegs(which I try to avoid since I had my kick stand getting caught accident I've only scraped my pegs 2 times last year since then)but I did still crossed the yellow line a lil bit, and let me tell you I know I was blessed because If I took that turn 10 seconds less I know I would hit an oncoming car. I was also blessed because there was no traffic on the other lane also, cause usually there's a huge train of cars on that side of the road.

So please, the street is a very dangerous place to play. If you guys want to play we can go to the track. Ride safe guys.
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