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Old August 15th, 2012, 01:31 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Heed View Post
Having a cell phone almost seems like a necessity these days. Landlines are impractical and seem to be fading away.

I haven't spent a dime on a phone to this day, however, my dad has been paying for me and my family's plan. Tomorrow, I turn 20 years old. And as much as I'd love to milk all I can out of my parents, I realize it's time I should at least start paying for my own phone.

Smartphones seem like they'd be a waste of money for me. I know some college students who are spending $69.99/mo and it doesn't make sense to me.

Also, I rarely ever use my current phone. It makes a great alarm clock, but that aside, it's just used to contact my parents and workplace. With that said, I'll probably end up with something embarrassing, like a Nokia 3310.

I've been told they're indestructible.
Your the first youngster I heard of, that doesnt have it running there life.
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