Thread: Tats
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Old May 7th, 2009, 05:34 PM   #41
1986 GPZ Ninjette
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If they fade can you not have the touched up?
You can have them touched up or even covered with a new one.


I have 5 Tat's, one on my back, three on my chest and one on my leg, most of my friends don't even know that I have them. I am not one to get naked around my friends .


The one on my back took close to three hours, the out line was fine, but after two hours of outlines and then the shading in between for an hour - it hurts like hell. It hurts when they start to go over or near the fresh outlines that have been freshly done.

I am pretty lucky with my tat's as I have a fine skin and the ink doesn't spread over time - the lines stay thin and don't blend together. I also stay out of the sun and don't expose my tat's to the elements.

I'm thinking about getting more now or completing my tattoo on my back.

Edit : And I never get a tattoo from the wall - I design my own tattoos ... I wouldn't like to see my tat's on someone else.
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