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Old September 11th, 2012, 11:24 PM   #16
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What I said applies for street too.
Infact street tires warm up faster so you're all good. Just do the accelerate and brake hard thingy and you should be set to go.

The scrubbing in myth comes from the old days when tires weren't molded perfectly and had small holes / imperfections in them. They used to spray these tires to fill up those holes with a material that was slippery. You had to scrub off this material before tires were considered safe.

Now they apply the spray only on the sidewalls so that the brand name and specs are all nice and legible. They don't do it on the actual surface.

I wish I could find the link to this article I read. I'm pretty much passing along the exact same info. It's a great read.
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