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Old September 12th, 2012, 09:46 AM   #16
userjh160 guru
Name: Malinda
Location: Jonesboro, LA
Join Date: Jul 2012

Motorcycle(s): Ninja 250R

Posts: 484
I want to thank everyone for their input so I am going to try to get all my questions answered in this one post:

Somehow I found out about the pre-ride checklist, I think my husband told me and strongly encourages me to do so before I ride csmith12, I do try now more often but not every ride, but I am getting better.

I know what you mean dirty nasty and Gurk about learning new things and I have started my manual to see what all I need to know.

Oh crap Lil_Green_Demon, you threw a bunch of stuff in there that I think you may need to elaborate for me, I thought the brake was on the left side of the handlebars, no wonder when I took it to the shop they said the brake was working fine. As for the helmet I do where a different one depending on what top I have on - - I crochet new ones all the time and they look real pretty, PLUS I no longer have helmet hair, to me it is much better than that hard one you get at the motorcycle shops.
You did get me on ATGATT, I was wondering what everyone was talking about, I did not know so many people felt that way about grapes

Old Guy on a '08 I don't think your comment was extreme, taking the MSF course is important, I will have to push my husband into finding a closer date so we can go, it is just that the course is sort of a long distance from the house and having to ride of the freeway would be nicer with two rather than one. I am not afraid to ride alone, if I have to, I just think with the wacko cagers and how some of the drive it would probable be a little more safer.

I did not know about the brake part Motofool, thank you for that - but I do lift my foot of the back brake when I am finished stopping. I did wonder about that I guess the same holds true for vehicles also so it makes sense. I did know about the gears thank you for that interesting tidbit of information.

OK Jiggles, I do know about the turbo booster -- I use it all the time when I am popping my wheelies and donuts also not to mention my knee drags, it just whips you around each curve. I started using that on my 2nd hour of riding, but thanks for mentioning it.
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