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Old September 30th, 2012, 09:20 PM   #18
MSF Instructor
Name: Mike
Location: Tampa
Join Date: Sep 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2013 Ninja 300, 2010 Yamaha WR250R, 2008 CBR600RR

Posts: 117
Originally Posted by eversic View Post
Hey there fellow riders. I've been doing some research all over the net (and here via "Search") and Im looking for general upgrade advice.

Ninja 650 or Ninja 1000?

Currently, Im on my 3rd bike, 2012 Ninja 250. I've had it about six months now.....and I should say I absolutely love it! I used to ride cruisers, but crossed over to the semi-dark side (since Im not wanting a super sport).

Only thing I don't like about my 250 is the power band. Takes a while to get going, and on the freeway, it feels buzzy (as expected)....

What Im looking for is if someone can really explain to me the difference between the riding experience of an inline-4 vs a v-twin. I suspect riding a 650 would more than do the trick...I read its very fast off the line and tops out at 125....about 40mph faster than i'd ever go, and probably feels similiar to the 250 in handling. HOWEVER...I am concerned that the 650 might also feel light on the freeway.

I see the Ninja 1000 has all the power one could ever want for the city AND freeway....but is it too much power?

I'm 36 years old, fairly new to riding...I have my MSF cert, license, and a full season of riding under my belt. I also don't race....nor have any friends with bikes....kind of a solo hobby for me. I ride all year round...Tampa area.

I know the insurance costs....650 could run me $455 a year...same as my 250...vs the 1000 which would be $1100 a year.

Anyone ridden these machines before that could part some advice?

Thanks a ton guys.

I had a 650R and have ridden the 1000 (along with just about every sport bike out there). I would go for the 650. I think it is better looking and more comfortable. It will get much better gas mileage (50mpg vs 40mpg) and therefore better range. You just are not getting $3 or 4k more bike with the 1000, I would say about $1000 more bike. The 650R handles better too.

Highway stability is not an issue with either. They are both very solid up to 100mph.

I would not describe the 650 as twitchy at all. It has very short gearing in first to take advantage of the powerband, but my 300 is twitchier at low RPMs than the 650.

The 650R is just an overall amazing bike- it can do everything on the street well. I almost bought another instead of my 300 but I really love the lighter more fuel efficient bikes. I already rode my WR250R more than my 600RR and now my 300 is eating 100 miles a day.

No the 1000 isn't too much power. It was really underwhelming to me- my 600RR pulls harder than it. You can't go wrong with a 650R unless you're one of those kids who always wants more more more and 130mph doesn't do it for you. You sound like you're much more mature than that and the 650R will blow your mind with it's amazing balance of fuel economy, power, comfort, and handling.
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