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Old October 12th, 2012, 07:58 AM   #57
Minikin_Jo sage
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Name: Jo
Location: Howard County, MD
Join Date: Jun 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2013 Ninja 300

Posts: 528
Originally Posted by robmilchling View Post
West Baltimore is just about one of the worst places around you can take the bike. And to be honest, Howard county is just about the opposite of a suburb of Baltimore, considering it is the 5th richest county in the entire country, especially places like Clarksville, I work there but have lived in Dundalk all my life. The amount of money people have out here was a bit of a shock to me.
When I worked in 911, on our one of our monitors when we pulled up an address to a house the police or fire dept needed to respond to - my God some of the houses out here are absolutely ridiculous. One of them the officer responded to for an alarm, and even over the radio he commented "Camelot is secure" LOL All of us dispatchers were just ooing and ahhing over the house. (Found out it was a lottery winner that lived there.) There's some "bad areas" of the county - places I would not want to be at night, for sure, but nothing compared to the city. It's amazing how just 20 miles away from the city you'd never expect the land and homes in HoCo - it's like you're in a different world.

For someone to have an opinion of HoCo like that hasn't really been in HoCo but on the outskirts near maybe Rt. 40 or Rt. 1 and not 'in' the county at all. Even until I worked for the county did I really see what a great place to live it is and how nice it is. Especially the Western parts!
I'm not short, I'm concentrated AWESOME!
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