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Old May 17th, 2009, 06:39 PM   #159
1986 GPZ Ninjette
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Name: Jase
Location: Australia Mate
Join Date: May 2009

Motorcycle(s): 1986 GPZ Ninja

Posts: 83
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The gear should come before the bike.
I disagree ... what if the bike sale falls through ? You are then left with the gear and no bike to ride. I needed a bike to get to work, not gear to ride to work.

Surely if you can come up with a few thousand for even a used bike with insurance, you can afford a few hundred for good riding gear.
That's the thing - I couldn't afford a few thousand for a bike and put my self in some debt to get the bike, sure I scraped up the majority of the cash - but not all of it and insurance ... meh maybe when I am better off ... for now the bike's a necessity.


This isn't aimed at anyone - just a observation - I notice that to some people here it's hard to fathom being broke and struggling with cash, but we shouldn't be judged or condemned for or by our financial situations, some of us don't have a lot of money and weren't born with fat wallets or wealthy families.
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