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Old October 25th, 2012, 05:01 PM   #31
shane liberty member
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Originally Posted by alex.s View Post
i know we've gone over this already. and i know everyone disagrees with me, but you asked for peoples opinions. in my opinion its like putting all the dull knives in a separate drawer so you can feel good about being the sharpest knife in the drawer... still a dull knife, and i know people like achievements and recognition. it's just not my thing.

like i said, i know everyone disagrees with me. so don't worry trying to tell me i'm wrong. i already know you think i am.
At the beginning of the year I would have agreed with you. I wanted to earn just enough points to bump up but then I started leading the points in an amateur class. Suddenly I cared about points.

Points give people incentive to keep showing up round after round. The 250 riders all love competing against each other and since the experts are scored with the amateurs officially, it's tough to be a learner and still have that points incentive if you're stuck racing against guys or gals with years of racing experience. You may never reach the same level. What's the harm in awarding amateurs with the same fun of a points incentive against other amateurs?

I bet if you were leading points in a class at CVMA you would start to care about it. things are different on the other side of the fence.

Just my 2 cents. I jumped in here to read the chart to see where my wife was in the points.
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