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Old October 26th, 2012, 04:47 PM   #1
Malicious Logic
hates stupid people
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Name: Mark
Location: Oklahoma City
Join Date: Aug 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2005 ZX6R

Posts: 860
Rear Ended a Tahoe

Well, finally happened to me. Had just spent the last 3 hours or so riding around with some guys I met on a local forum and was making my way home on the highway which is 3 lanes wide. Was near a cop in an unmarked Tahoe on his phone so was keeping it pretty legal as far as speed goes. Right before where my usual exit is, they were doing some late night construction and they started closing off lanes. I was in the slow lane (far right) and they closed that one so I safely merged to the middle. At this point, the cop is in the fast lane, a little ahead of me. I didn't see anymore closures ahead so start to speed backup to the speed limit which catches me up to the Tahoe but then I notice they're closing off the middle lane so I slow down to allow the cop to pass and then signal and head check. Up to this point, traffic was still flowing pretty smooth so this next part definitely took me by surprise. The Tahoe must've started braking during the head check because I changed lanes, look back forward and then realized the Tahoe was getting close fast. As fast as I could process what was going on, I started braking but it wasn't enough. I slammed head on into the back of the now sitting Tahoe.

I had my Drift HD camera on my helmet but unfortunately, the battery was dead so it wasn't recording. I smacked my head right into the back of the Tahoe and then just kinda bounced off onto the road. Cop ended up apologizing later for having to suddenly slam on his brakes but I don't blame him. Been trying to figure out what I could've done differently and the only thing I can come up with was if I had given him extra room. When I had turned back, his brake lights were already on but at night, red lights are red lights and you only know they're braking when they become brighter red lights.

Ended up being taken off in an ambulance and got diagnosed with a contusion in my right knee and an AC separation in my right shoulder. I also have some rash on my right elbow from the inside of the jacket though it's definitely better than road rash. I now see how people can see get rashed with a jacket on though. I was wearing my helmet, gloves, jacket and boots.

Below are pics of the bike. I got to see it when I went by the wrecker place to get my license (cop had left it with them). Actually don't think they'll total it, which is surprising. I haven't heard the official yes or no on that yet though.

My vlogging channel: Ma1iciousLogic
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