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Old October 29th, 2012, 10:11 AM   #45
Tenacious_Me member
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Name: Linda
Location: minneapolis
Join Date: May 2012

Motorcycle(s): Ninja 250r

Posts: 24
Originally Posted by laynaru View Post
Have you had any major issues with the height at all? It was fine the first few weeks I had it because it seemed I was on a flat surface everywhere I went, but then once I approached hills, inclines and slippery surfaces I had a really hard time moving the bike. The incident at the stop light where I stopped too quickly and nearly fell was terrifying because I was in the middle of traffic and didn't want to just drop the damn thing right there
Sorry it took so long to reply...
I haven't had any major issues...a little one... I was riding with my boyfriend and he stopped at a place that I knew I wouldn't be able to stop/or get going again without some major issues (really major incline going down to a roadside rest) Intuition said don't stop there, but I did because he had pulled over. I couldn't get parked or start again without his help, but the lesson was, that if I was on my own I wouldn't have stopped there in the first place, as I slowed down I saw the issue, I would've just kept going.
Other than that no. And I"m really glad I haven't lowered it. I don't like the idea of screwing with the geometry of the bike. It was built a certain way to handle the way it's supposed too. (no, I'm not an engineer, but logic tells me that there is a lot of time and money put into building a sport bike to handle a certain way)
I still a newbie, I only have 2k under my belt this season, but I love it. I was so worried when I started out about not being able to touch flat footed. (learning to touch flat footed with at least one foot works just as well) But now, it doesn't bother me at all.
I lowered it a lot by shaving the seat. I've heard a lot of talk about how uncomfortable the seat is to begin with and shaving it makes it worse.... maybe it has something to do with riding horse for most of my life, but the seat is fine.. especially compared to a saddle. I've taken it on 3 hour trips with no problem.
I'll try to find the link I used as a guideline but the rasp tool was what worked the best in the end.

Good luck, message me privately if you need anything more specific!
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