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Old November 19th, 2012, 04:24 PM   #9
ChaoSS sage
Name: Tim
Location: Goshen CA
Join Date: Oct 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2012 red 250 ninja

Posts: 740
Originally Posted by Lychee View Post
Sorry, when it comes to California, that is the way it works. Most cops will leave you alone if you are lane splitting safely. Their reaction is different if you are doing it like an asshat. It is the same as how they treat bikes with pipes and flush mounts. Technically, those are "off road use only." Vehicle codes they can cite you for are driving over the lane dividers, unsafe lane change, passing on the right.... the list goes on. You may believe it ignorant, but you would be mistaken to believe it untrue.
From your own link:
Other sections commonly cited are unsafe passing, unsafe speed, following too closely, failure to signal lane change and a few others, all as applicable. I am not saying lanesharing cannot be done unsafely, I'm just saying that when it is done safely, it is 100% legal in CA.
Anything beyond that is irrelevant, it's like saying that driving is a gray area, because, technically, an officer can decide, at any time, that you are driving an unsafe speed, and ticket you for it, even if you are driving exactly at the speed limit.

The very nature of today's legal code makes everything, and I mean, absolutely everything, a "Gray Area", but lane splitting is no more so than anything else. The fact is, that when someone says that it is not legal, they are dead wrong.
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