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Old November 19th, 2012, 06:44 PM   #13
Boring is my middle name.
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Name: Jason
Location: Bay Area, CA
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Originally Posted by ChaoSS View Post
No, I don't believe in legal gray areas, the reason for that is that everything is essentially a legal gray area.

We used to live in a free society, with clear cut laws, but these days, everything you do can somehow be construed as reckless endangerment, or public disturbance, or some other intentionally ambiguous law that asshole police like to use against people that they don't like.

The fact that certain asshole cops ticket people for inane violations when they are splitting lanes perfectly safely doesn't make it a moral gray area, it makes the cop an asshole.

And by the way, if you are in a lane, and there is a car next to you in the same lane, then having your handlebars in the next lane over is in the lane as nearly as practical.

If I walk into a Wendy's on a Saturday and eat a bacon cheeseburger in a peaceful manner, a police officer could decide that I am inciting racial hatred against jews and arrest me for public disturbance. That doesn't make eating bacon cheeseburgers on Saturday a gray area, any more than lane splitting is a moral gray area.

Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that when someone says that it isn't legal, it just isn't illegal, that's just being ignorant.
Okay... I can see from your Wendy's example that we're not going to agree on anything. Let's agree to disagree
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