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Old November 20th, 2012, 09:16 AM   #1
Bosgarage57 sage
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Name: Luke
Location: Sevierville, TN
Join Date: May 2011

Motorcycle(s): 06 Buell Uly, 05 VStar 1100

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2013 East Coast Ninja Rally

So for the past 2 years a couple of people across different boards have been meeting up and having a ninja rally. 2011 was at The Dragon, 2012 was in Asheville NC.

This year we have decided on West Virginia, but have not marked down a specific location or date (sometime during summer to accomodate school). We are thinking either Roanoke, or Marion WV. If anyone is interested in attending please post here, so we can get some more things hashed out.

I was hoping to kind of get a theme for this year, a "motto" per say, and get some T-shirts printed up. If anyone would be interested in that route we can do that do.

I really want to get more people together, the past 2 years we have had 10-14 people show up, 1 rode all the way from Colorado, and have 4-5 come from the DC area. It has been a blast getting to know everyone and look forward to it. I would love to make it eventually as large as the Concours rally held every year.

Any input, suggestions is highly recommended, and thank you for your time.
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