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Old November 20th, 2012, 02:06 PM   #19
Jersey Devil
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Name: Daks
Location: Austin, TX
Join Date: Oct 2012

Motorcycle(s): '06 Ninja 250

Posts: 469
In CA, most cops will consider lane sharing legal IF done safely. This means no weaving fulling in and out of lanes, not over speed limits and not being a general douche about it.

I've split a few times on the freeway when it's rush-hour. Once the freeway was shut down and if I wasn't able to split I would have keeled over from heat exhaustion (that did happen, but thankfully later when we were on a back road I was able to stop off the side of to peel all my gear off before passing out briefly).

I've never gone over 15-20mph. I have a stock bike. I'm mindful and careful about it.

It is a gray area but for all intents and purposes, I consider it legal as much as changing lanes is legal when there are still "unsafe lane change" laws.
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