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Old May 23rd, 2009, 02:10 AM   #37
Newb..... on a steeek! :D
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Name: Mike
Location: Windermere, FL
Join Date: Feb 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2012 Harley Davidson XL883L Sportster Superlow

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Originally Posted by addy126 View Post
If you guys personally had to live with the restrictive licencing, regardless of the argument of step up riding, you'd all be cryin in your oil cans within a year
I disagree. I had plenty of friends trying to convince me to go bigger. Hell, one of my friend's uncles had a 1500 nomad. We got to talking about it last summer (before I had a bike) and I told him how I was looking for my first bike and was gonna stay small. He said, "Oh yah, you should go smaller, something like a 1000 or so to start." I looked at him like he was an alien with 3 heads on crack breathing fire speaking klingon to me. Then everyone else in the group (other then me) demonstrated how little they knew about the ninjette. Telling me how I'd never be able to ride with anyone, that even if I did find a group to ride with I'd always be stopping for gas (none of them seemed to realize how big a tank the ninjette has or that it could get 60mpg easily) and other such nonsense. All this just proves how much the general rider would benefit from having to go through the smaller bikes to learn to actually appreciate the sport and other bikes more.

My issue is the overall "bigger is better" mentality the USA has in general. I'm so sick of seeing guys with egos too big to fit into a 4xl helmet get their license, get a 600cc or 1000cc supersport bike as their first bike because they "need the speed". Then they go out, and either get several tickets for racing or get into a serious accident trying to be 'cool doing 150 down a crowded highway. Even if they live through that crap it makes 75% or more of the population look at ANYONE on ANY size bike like they are just a crazy idiot that's worthless and going to get killed. Therefore they have little to no respect for bikers in general and don't bother to 'see' us. It's a classic case of not seeing those you have no respect for.

/rant off
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