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Old November 29th, 2012, 09:42 AM   #82
Minikin_Jo sage
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Name: Jo
Location: Howard County, MD
Join Date: Jun 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2013 Ninja 300

Posts: 528
Originally Posted by subxero View Post
In a crash things happen so quickly and it is hard to do the correct things fighting fears and instincts and target locking. It is tough for me to go through the crash section as i understand that most of the situations could easily be me any day of the week :/ Most people don't expect to crash....i guess i do and accept that sooner or later it is gonna happen be it my fault or someone elses. Just hope to come out of it with some new found wisdom and the ability to hope back on the steel horse.

in short, glad to hear you are doing well and hopefully you make a full recovery mind and body and jump back in the saddle, besides after insurance pays up you have a 600 to look forward to right?

It did happen very fast and I could've at least stopped but I just froze up and was really confused. I truly expected to crash when I ran off the shoulder I was so mentally prepared for a crash because it was tall grass/dirt and who knew what debris/holes/etc was hiding for me there, and not thinking at all how to avoid anything it's like I wasn't in my body for a moment or something.

I had a moment of relief when I got to the pavement and I was alright I made it thru the grass but the next instant I was heading for trees and had no idea why but there was no time to react. I could have let go of the throttle or pulled in the clutch or emergency braked but it was a lot like being stunned and not reacting at all.

Forgot to add: no 600 for me. My husband swears if I was on a bigger/stronger bike I would've been worse off. We both agree my next will be a 300 and I will stick with it a year or two. At least.
I'm not short, I'm concentrated AWESOME!
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