Thread: ****ing cagers!
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Old December 10th, 2012, 03:02 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by NinjaBoyEddy View Post
Saw the video bro. It's seems like a real topical thing. Looks like you got a little scared. We've all be there. But you could of avoided the dropping.g her part. But its all good your a fairly new rider right? Glad you ok tho
Yeah, I went back to the scene of the crime, I worked out what happened, I was about to pull off into the 5mph zone when that dude is doing at least 20 so I put on the brakes, but their is an inch of lip from the pavement to the road of which my tyre stopped on, that caused the wheel to pop to the side as I had little grip and the wheel was turning I just lost it, it's less the cars fault than mine tbf, i've pulled out of that supermarket hundreds of times with no problems, it's just that one time it went, I don't think I could have done anything to save it, it just happened.

Edit: plus the roads were wet, and it's below freezing and I had just finished work and I was tired, and the moons gravitatonal pull was out of alignment and a butterfly flapped its wings in the amazon.
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