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Old December 21st, 2012, 11:33 AM   #38
dfox sage
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glad this guy is off the road. Crazy that he's done this to other drivers too. The guy obviously has some rage issues, and not only should he never be allowed to get a gun, he shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel of a car ever again.

Originally Posted by lgk View Post
idk what you laugh at. i stated i was run off the road. I was almost squished between a pickup and a parked car, while being yelled at. Had I not been able to take off down a bike lane, I'm sure I'd have eventually been hit, by a road rager. Sometimes, people are just having bad days and misdirect their anger. The guy I came across, who knows, maybe he just got laid off and was in the process of getting a divorce. Just because he's having a bad afternoon, doesn't mean he deserves to die.

and maybe you need to remember your own posts, the only reason I agreed with you on the laws differing between brandishing a gun, is because YOU started the discussion.

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