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Old December 25th, 2012, 04:57 PM   #7
OneWheelPeel newbie
Name: Kara
Location: Florida
Join Date: Dec 2012

Motorcycle(s): 1992 Kawasaki Ninja 250

Posts: 4
Originally Posted by n4mwd View Post
I'm curious how it got into that shape in the first place. I'm guessing excessive clutchless shifting.

But as to the current problem, your shift change shaft is either not installed correctly or is binding. Could also be that your shift drum forks are not seated properly.

When reassembling the transmission, it doesn't just drop in place and there are a few tricks to get it in correctly. Its not that difficult, but your ex should have tested it prior to reassembly.

Whereabouts in Florida are you? Anywhere near Palm Beach? I might be able to help out.

The previous owner was a show-off, he downshifted at too high of rpms and the gears locked together and the back tired locked up and it threw him

hmm, I'm pretty sure he just put it in, idk he did it when I was at work. I know they reassembled my bike's twin (same bike, newer year) a few times because they kept messing up stuff (like putting the shift forks in wrong), which is funny because the person helping him actually graduated from that motorcycle school in Orlando and supposedly did a lot of work on ninjas.

I'm actually about two hours north of you, in Brevard County.
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