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Old January 31st, 2013, 08:41 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by csmith12 View Post
I do 3 hours of TKD a week. 2 classes and 1 hour of practice at home. And at least 20 mins of cardio every day. It takes a huge effort to work this in my schedule every week. With working, kids and all that comes with it, I really have to stick to my schedule to make it work. And diet is still the hardest part.

What do you mean "stay in tempo"?
Yeah I don't know how you stay motivated with all of that ha. And you can do different types or squats that'll be easier on your shoulder and you don't need a tower either. I have an issue with lack of flexibility in my shoulders plus don't want up risk popping my right one out again, so I don't do traditional squats I do a few variations. I'm on mobile now but the bodybuilding site has a great list of exercises per muscle so you could see what type you like.

As for tempo I just mean when doing dumbbell/barbell lifts stay in a rhythm and control your lifts both up and down. When I was new I figured I could just curl the bar up with more weight as quick as possible and let it kind of just fall back to the starting position, but that wasn't right. Then I learned that maybe using less weight but more control of your form (which can be hard using free weights) is a lot better and harder. You may have that control but I'm just throwing that out there in general because a lot of people using free weights do what I used to do but you're cheating yourself and not working the muscle to full potential like you could. When you go to the gym watch someone who looks relatively new trying to dumbbell curl, chances are they're using too much weight and using there back to aid in curling it by just swinging the weight up and down.

And I agree that diet is the hardest part but I've found some pretty good healthy recipes that make dieting more enjoyable, such as protein pancakes, either plain or ones that taste like pumpkin pie. It also helps that I used to work at a fast food place when I was a teen and ever since I almost never eat that stuff..except chipotle.
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