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Old February 5th, 2013, 06:49 AM   #15
Daily Ninjette rider
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Name: Hernan
Location: Florida
Join Date: Mar 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2007 Ninja 250

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MOTY - 2016, MOTM - Dec '12, Jan '14, Jan '15, May '16
Originally Posted by Brad Turner View Post
.......I think Ill take a little more time to decide what I want to do.
That will make your decision less real, since you will be making it from the "safe" side of the fence.

I would buy a bike (unless it is a financial sacrifice on your family or yourself), ride for a while (they will not kill you in a few weeks, you are "old" and smarter than those cagers), and then take the final decision (you can always resell the bike and gear).

I ride everyday, and every morning I take half a minute to understand that that could be my last ride,........and still jump in the saddle being perfectly conscious that it very well could be............I am happy and perfectly at peace with that possibility........I am 63 and feel that already lived my life........Riding has been an important part of that life since my 12 birthday........Yes, my family still needs me, but it prefers a happy person over a frustrated one.......I prefer die living than living feeling dead.

"Life is beautiful danger." - Facundo Cabral

You own the best decision to yourself.

Best !
.................................Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly
"Mankind is composed of two sorts of men — those who love and create, and those who hate and destroy. Love is the bond between men, the way to teach and the center of the world." - José Martí
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