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Old June 1st, 2009, 12:30 PM   #1
i'm a cow killer
IlBLisSlI's Avatar
Name: Drew
Location: Daytona FL
Join Date: May 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2006 250r

Posts: 142
Question Covers for the 250

Hey guys, did a little search here for threads about this but only came up with 1 (in the new gen section)

Anywho, do any of you guys have covers for your pregen 250s? I live in central FL and use my bike as a daily driver. I'm looking to cover it up while it roasts in the parking lot so that i won't get 3rd degree burns on my rump when i got to leave work. It would also be nice to keep some of rain off it from afternoon showers as well as all the pollen and bird crap.

So here are my questions...
What cover do you use?
Is it a full or half cover?
Does it come with a bag you can roll it up and store in?
If it has a bag how big is it once the cover is in it?
Will this be something i could stick in my tank bag with no problems or will i need to strap it to the bike with bungee chords/net or something?
How is the quality?
Is it worth the hassle?
Do you have any problems with wind catching it and blowing it off the bike?
Does you seat still get roasting hot?

Thanks in advance for any info you can provide
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