Thread: Children
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Old February 18th, 2013, 08:28 AM   #5
jstrain guru
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In what way has it "caught up with you"?

As someone else mentioned, it sounds like you may not be cut out to be a parent. Nothing at all wrong with that.

As far as your strikes against kids, your ideas aren't necessarily true. I still have personal time. I still take vacations. I still have time for hobbies. I still have great sex with my wife. Now I certainly don't have as much free time or money as I used to, but kids aren't a death sentence on fun.

Regarding your second set of thoughts on how to raise them without messing up, I find that sort of thinking to be misguided. Certainly it behooves you to do the best job you can, but you won't ever find a perfect parent out there. I've made many mistakes in parenting, but I keep getting wiser and more experienced, and I keep looking for opportunities to be a better parent. Nobody gets it 100% right, but we all do the best we can.

Between my wife and I, we have 4 kids. Some days having kids really sucks. Some days, it's the best thing on earth. If you've got all those reservations about kids, then just don't have any. Seems simple enough.
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