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Old February 23rd, 2013, 08:36 PM   #1
YamiLionheart member
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Name: Mike
Location: Eastern LI, NY
Join Date: Jan 2013

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250R

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Leg Protection in Summer

Was just wondering this..

I'm gonna come right out and say it, the idea of wearing shorts on my bike on a nice warm day sounds like a swell time. Warm breeze licking the skin and all that.

Obviously if I fell in just shorts I don't think I would care how nice the breeze felt when I later find myself getting skin grafted from my ass onto my knee/shin/calf.

My question is...

Is there any way to utilize riding armor such as armored shorts underneath your shorts for hip/thigh/tailbone protection, knee/shin protectors and appropriate riding shoes to achieve a good level of protection in a fall while wearing shorts?

Obviously there are a ton of variables at play here such as how fast you are going, how you fell, etc. But lets say you were going on a short ride, keeping it to 30 mph on back roads to a friend's house and wanted to wear shorts instead of jeans or full riding pants.

Would you feel safe wearing shorts with riding armor such as the previously mentioned items?
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