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Old March 8th, 2013, 06:19 PM   #29
ChaoSS sage
Name: Tim
Location: Goshen CA
Join Date: Oct 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2012 red 250 ninja

Posts: 740
Originally Posted by Aggrotech View Post
OP all ur sposed to do when they get mad is look at them, for a good 10seconds, then lift up your visor, then give em a thumbs up and continue to bobble your head while putting down your visor

it works every time. EVERY TIME!

as for lane splitting being illegal where the op is at is irrelevant. If it WAS LEGAL in florida and he did it, he'd still have pissed off people around him. I dont understand why ppl are talking to the op as if lanesplitting was legal, he would magically avoid scenarios like this
Because people have more of a right to get mad when you are breaking the law. Plus in places like CA, where we can legally lane split, it is much more normal, and we are more accepted because of it.

I expected the first time I lane split to have a bunch of people opening doors to block me, swerving over to block me out, etc. I've had a few people move to block me, or maybe they just were moving over in the lane without knowing I was there, never had anyone really swerve right at me, never had a door opened at me, but what I have had, which I never expected, is people moving out of my way, intentionally. Traffic gets bad, I start splitting, and I get somewhere where I'm blocked out by a semi and another vehicle, all of a sudden the other vehicle goes almost into the median and then moves back into the normal lane position when I've passed them.

You don't see this behavior in other states so much, and I think that's because it is legal here, so it is accepted. Other states need to legalize it, then it will have to be done by some braver riders to help get it normalized.
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