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Old March 20th, 2013, 09:57 PM   #21
Xoulrath sage
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Originally Posted by MistahT View Post
And if you learned something, go BUY it. I'll admit I saw Twist II for the first time for free, but now I have the books and DVDs on my shelf. Kind of want to carry the book with me and pass it off to new riders, but let's face it, in the real world, I'd never get my book back.
I have a professor who rides. He is new to riding with only about 3,000 miles under his belt. We have talked about riding several times before and after class. Sometimes, even during, since the class is physics.

In those discussions, it seemed to me like he was a new rider with limited experience. The last time we talked, which was about two weeks ago, he told me about a braking incident in which he locked the rear. This is also when I found out he only had 3K miles and was newer to riding than I realized.

He already had me concerned, due to his overall view of riding and how the handles. I let him borrow my copy of Twist II just before spring break and told him I'd get it from him when he was done with it.

If he read it, I have no doubt that he will learn something potentially life-saving from it, if he wants to.
R.I.P EthioKnight (Alex)
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