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Old March 27th, 2013, 08:23 AM   #20
CVMA #74 WSMC #750
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Wow! Some paranoid and extreme advices.

Originally Posted by tfkrocks View Post
Huh, I didn't know so many people don't like email contact through craigslist. Honestly, phone calls give me social anxiety so I prefer to email or text exclusively whenever possible.

Create another email address for the sole purpose of selling/buying stuff.

My observation: The main reason why I see so many people struggle selling their stuff is PRICE. Y'all, generally speaking, have it priced so high why would anyone want to buy a used product when they can buy new if they paid a little more.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with putting OBO. In fact, it attracts more buyers knowing you're willing to negotiate. If you don't like their offer then simply say, "No thank you...I'll pass" or "I'm willing to do...".

But don't be so set on your price. And pricing your item at the going value/price doesn't necessarily mean that's how much it's worth. Yes it's a good guide but that's all it is. Here's some words to consider: The value of said item is whatever someone's willing to pay for it (at that moment).

Sometimes you have to price it lower than the going price if you want it moved/sold.
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