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Old April 4th, 2013, 08:39 AM   #23
aeroblade's Avatar
Name: Matt
Location: Locating GPS...
Join Date: Nov 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2012 Ninja 250r

Posts: 286
Oh I wanted a radar detector so bad until they started using lasers as well, so I figured it wouldn't make much sense investing in one. As I've mentioned on another topic before, the speed limits in my state sucks, all bikes have to limit themselves to 31 mph on the friggin highway and we are always at risk of being run over from behind by speeding cagers and I myself got whacked once by the side mirrors of a minivan that blew past me while I was riding on the edge of the road under the speed limit . So I came up with a solution...

I used to get tickets all the time but then I realized something,... there are plenty of cagers on the road that could actually protect me from speed tracers. So what I do is, everytime I set out on a trip I search for that one lucky cager who will try to race me or just speed up just to prevent me from overtaking them (which is frequent btw) and once he starts hauling a$$ I follow them keeping a safe distance lining myself up behind the car . So when ever they come across a speed tracer I simply slow down and ride like nothing happened. It works too, 3 years countless tracers and not a single ticket yet .
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