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Old April 8th, 2013, 06:35 AM   #17
ChaoSS sage
Name: Tim
Location: Goshen CA
Join Date: Oct 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2012 red 250 ninja

Posts: 740
Originally Posted by csmith12 View Post
So I go to the mall and park. So we have;
Handicap spots
The totally ridiculous sideways spots that take up enough room for 4 cars
Family spots
Pregnant Women spots
FE vehicle spots
Pedal bike spots
Moto only spots

Enough yet? Sigh.... How bout, first come, first served. I walked by no less than 6 empty spots ahead of me to get to the door.

Them: I want equal treatment but special parking.
Me: No! we are equal, park like everyone else.
Them: But...
Me: Pick a standard and stick with it, don't be a hypocrite.
I have no problems with handicapped spots, and I like the idea of pregnant women spots, although that's one of those things that some would tend to abuse. My wife has had three kids and has never truly needed to park right up next to the store, but sometimes a pregnancy can do things to a woman's joints that can make walking excruciating.

Family spots? Lazy kids need to be out walking. Corralling kids can be a hassle, but you have to do it in the store as well. If you are going to have family spots maybe they should be out in the middle of the parking lot next to the cart corrals so that you can grab a cart for the ones who are too little to walk without having to leave the kids in the car while you look for a cart. Next to the store? No.

And FE spots is just stupid. I like the places that have motorcycle parking, it frees up a full size spot for a full size vehicle, but I don't expect special parking just because I am not burning as much gas as someone else. Maybe if I have to walk my fat ass a little further I will burn a few calories and my bike will get even more FE.
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